Liberals have gotten me quite disturbed. Today's acrimonious political climate has driven to the point where I am beginning to exclusively abominate liberals. Their diurnal prevarications, hideous animadversions, slanders, distortions, and their adherence
A brief précis of a poignant article coming soon...don't miss it
Published on January 27, 2005 By South Bronx Conservative In Republican
It was a lachrymose, hapless election night for liberals. Profound woe precisely describes how they felt. Their perennial wont of gargantuan government, their idea that the war in Iraq was unjustified and immoral, and their plaudits apropos of the issue of same-sex marriage, put an end to their tenacious stronghold on the lives of the majority of Americans. The gist of liberalism is inescapably plummeting into the abyss of death. The American people’s demand for change, and their demand to chart their own destiny is transparently taking place. In short, liberalism is on the verge of its demise.

Watch for the article...coming soon.

on Jan 27, 2005
Nice. Can't wait for the real-deal article. Keep up the fight.
on Jan 27, 2005
nah, he's an obvious member of the rabid rancorous retard right

this is as intelligent as it's going to get
on Jan 27, 2005
Wow. It reads like the back of a book...a lot of rhetoric that says nothing. Can you, I don't links and proof this is happening? Or write an acutal article, or a defined op-ed piece?