1. Is Hillary Clinton making a sharp, right u-turn towards espousing a pro-life position? 2. Filibuster dead? That's what Bill Frist implied several weeks ago. He seems poised to abolish the rule. We may be seeing not only the death of liberal ideology, but also the crux of their foundation, the buttress of their waning power, Rule 22. 3. China is adding to its arsenal destructive ballistic and long-range missiles. White House and Pentagon officials are looking into sundry sources re...
Liberals have gotten me quite disturbed. Today's acrimonious political climate has driven to the point where I am beginning to exclusively abominate liberals. Their diurnal prevarications, hideous animadversions, slanders, distortions, and their adherence to moral decay are making me queasy. I have one advice for conservatives: Before you make the attempt to argue peacefully with a liberal, bring an umbrella and a raincoat, they tend to childishly supplant valid arguments and rebuttals with t...
It was a lachrymose, hapless election night for liberals. Profound woe precisely describes how they felt. Their perennial wont of gargantuan government, their idea that the war in Iraq was unjustified and immoral, and their plaudits apropos of the issue of same-sex marriage, put an end to their tenacious stronghold on the lives of the majority of Americans. The gist of liberalism is inescapably plummeting into the abyss of death. The American people’s demand for change, and their demand to ...